Our refund and cancellation policy can be found here.


If the mode of payment is a credit card, then Client agrees to permanently and irrevocably waive any and all right to cause a “chargeback” (that is, a disputed, reversed, or contested charge), effective as soon as the Cyberize Group Team commences its services. Client agrees that, if Client institutes such a “chargeback,” it constitutes a material violation of this agreement and damages Cyberize Group in ways impossible to calculate with long-term adverse effects to Cyberize Group. Client expressly confesses, in the event of such a “chargeback,” that such chargeback constitutes fraud and confesses such fraud. Client agrees to pay all costs incurred by Cyberize Group to reimburse these amounts.


Your purchase may include enrollment in our automatic renewal service. This keeps your membership, pre-paid service, access to your workshop materials, or online course up and running by automatically charging the then-current renewal fees to your payment method on file just before they’re set to expire, with no further action on your part. If you are on an ongoing support agreement, you may cancel this service at any time by contacting us at (800) 983-0668. Please note there may be fees associated with your cancellation. Please see your agreement for specific details.


If the Client is unresponsive for a two week (14-day) period of time, we reserve the right to pause the project. If a project is paused and the client decides to come back on, the project will only resume work when service bandwidth opens back up. Cyberize Group shall have the right to charge a 2% administrative re-start fee based on the project budget. The re-start fee is required to be paid prior to the Client project being re-scheduled in our production calendar.

This page was last updated: February 16, 2018